need a lot more serious thinking about the present and the future, and a
lot less time and energy spent on the past." Thomas Sowell, Stanford University
I commend the Belize National
Teachers Union (BNTU) for defiantly standing up to Guatemala
during its escalating armed border incursions into Belize . An age old, yet formerly non-violent, border
dispute has now turned violent. Guatemala has defiantly stationed its military
at Belize 's Southern Sarstoon border, and may want to push armed
contingents even further into our Southern and Western borders. Our government ignored the first armed encroachment, and
then urged Belizeans to stay away from the Sarstoon border. Yet, we now have incurred loss of life on
both sides. Many Belizeans have reached
a boiling point (against their own government as well as Guatemala), and are
taking defiant actions to protest Guatemala's armed bullying and the Belize
government's sudden Sarstoon Prohibition law.
BNTU members/teachers have set a positive example for thousands of
students in Belize ,
and showed them the importance of "taking action".
we smelling the boiling coffee yet? We are now well into 2016, five years since
my original outburst in Wake up and smell the coffee. Our peaceful jewel has now been jolted into
reality! We always expected global authorities (our
previous owners?) to defend us and take our side against Guatemala ; but that is not
happening. Are we losing Belize ,
or parts of it? Is the rest of the world
sleeping, or is Belize
sleeping? Either we were too busy since
1981 to actively pursue non-stop a definitive/final solution to Guatemala 's claim over Belize ; or, by habit, we were
content with a mere "wait and see" attitude. Now, in today's frightful situation, we might
see a need to break old (Colonial) habits of inaction. Belize can no longer ignore this
claim, just because that's how we've mostly dealt with it. Similarly, especially during this graduation
season, we might realize that thousands of students are entering into a very
competitive world, ill-equipped to survive and thrive as independent adults. Why?
We have not embraced radical change
in our education systems. We are living
in a new and global world, not in Colonial times. Failing to break old habits and replace with
better ones is dangerous, and ultimately
leads to unwanted results.

Merely ignoring Guatemala 's long-held claim to Belize will not help us to stay
free, independent, globally recognized, and protected today. Keeping schools the way they always were,
i.e. "like when I was there", will not make time stand still in Belize
in today's rapidly evolving global world.
(See Breaking Free Parts I & II) Either we keep schools the same, which requires no additional
effort from government/church policy makers, parents, or educators, or we
embrace change. That is not easy. Clinging to pre Independence (1981) colonial
systems of education, and refusing to update our education systems, strategies,
and practices will sooner than later jolt Belize into reality, just like
Guatemala suddenly did at our Southern border.
Of course, we do provide thousands of students with an education, and they do graduate each
year. But, does that education include
learning how to tackle and solve sudden difficult problems that life may throw
one's way? It should, if we want to
ensure that our jewel Belize
will survive, compete, and thrive in this global 21st Century and beyond.
A legacy of inaction and
political indifference to Guatemala 's
claim to Belize
is now costing us dearly: human lives, armed border infringements, and perhaps
more. Our indifference to embracing
change in 21st Century education systems in Belize is also costing us dearly
today. We are not providing students
with the requirements for a global education in this new age; we are simply running
schools the way they always have been run.
Are we teaching students how to actually think for themselves, or merely
asking them to memorize answers in order to be able to pass standardized
colonial type examinations, year in and year out? Our elected leaders today are educated; some
have degrees. Will/can they think
critically to finally resolve Belize 's
age-old dispute with Guatemala ? What's the acceptable solution for both
sides? Perhaps, the answer to this
problem was not provided to them to study/memorize for today's very difficult
Students: when we enter an election booth to vote for
politicians, there are no right or wrong answers as in most classroom
tests. Rather, before we cast a vote, we
must carefully consider current issues, politicians' qualification, character,
past history, success or failure(s), perhaps the feasibility of the many
promises they may make. Or, we can
merely vote the way our families and friends have always voted -- perhaps by
habit like we've always done. Today,
perhaps we see the consequences of choosing to always vote by habit, and along
the usual family or party lines.
Citizens should always choose leaders who are able to think critically
and tackle problems -- like having to defend us against a bully.
I am proud to have worked in
the education systems in Belize, starting in 1978 as at teacher at St. Hilda's
college, and most recently (2010-2012) as guidance counselor at San Pedro High School . While working with hundreds of students I
protested vigorously that our education policy makers and administrators showed
little, if any, effort to embrace change in the education systems. Adding many new schools (buildings), opening
universities, increasing education funding, and including new subject matter in
a curriculum is all very helpful to the country; but it's just not enough. The "how" and "why" we
teach students must also change, just as often as "what" we teach
them -- if we want their education to grow and be productive. Every year there are thousands of students
who leave (graduate) our schools, as new ones enter; yet, few changes are offered in the "how" and "why" they
Now is such an appropriate time
to remind students that in life they will be confronted with many situations
that have no right or wrong answers, or simple and easy multiple choice
guesses. Consequently, in schools we
educators might want to use less "right or wrong" tests to grade and
advance or fail students. Rather, from
the earliest age possible, show and encourage them to think critically in order
to learn, instead of memorizing "correct" answers. The high dropout rate in schools, especially
among boys who are unable to sit still all day in a classroom, or memorize
lessons, will decrease the more we give them creative reasons to be in school,
rather than merely having to be there.
In this fast-developing technical world, let's break age-old Colonial
classroom habits; provide students with more process-based (problem solving)
instead of knowledge-based (memorizing facts) learning. Students may want to learn more by having to
analyze (Math and Science) problems for themselves, by having to research the
internet repeatedly for solutions to problems with no known answers, by being
allowed to work directly and under the guidance of successful entrepreneurs --
instead of merely sitting in a class all day or memorizing book answers. Learning could be more creative if it's not
bound by what the book or teacher says.
So, let's break the old habit of advancing (or not) students through
school only when they pass tests based on memorized facts. Or, we can
keep schools just like when I was
Author’s Note:
These articles are not intended to be
comprehensive or complete. They are
written and contributed in an effort to provide a “starting point” for valuable
discussion among educators, students, and the Belizean community. When we discuss and review students’ learning
capabilities and the ways in which we currently try to educate them, we
can learn from our mistakes as well as success.